15 Couples Divorce Lawyers Screwed Each Other

1. “My client’s spouse accused him of giving cancer to his late wife. I represented a man who was on his second marriage – his first wife died of cancer and he and his children were obviously devastated. My client was a pretty sensitive man with a big heart. His second wife could be very charming (which is why he fell in love with her), but it was all a facade. To make the long story of a long divorce short: My client met a very friendly and loving woman in this case. They got along really well and were practically engaged (although his divorce was far from over). His new “fiancé” developed health problems and was diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer.”

“Somehow the second woman found out about it and tried to use the cancer diagnosis against my client in court. She developed the ‘crazy’ theory that my client had killed his first wife by giving her cancer and that he was doing the same to his new ‘fiance’.

The second woman’s lawyer (who was quite good) refused to be involved. The lawyer never addressed the dispute in court and did not even ask the second woman questions about it during her testimony. Rather, the lawyer told the judge that the second wife wanted to address a matter directly to the court.

The judge allowed her to do so (in an extremely irregular move). The second woman told the judge about her wild conspiracy theory and added that she was sure my client had also tried to give her cancer at some point.

I wish I had an artist’s rendering of the scene that captured the second woman’s “crazy” eyes, her lawyer’s ashamed/embarrassed look, the judge’s confused look, and my awestruck disgust.”
