3 Zodiac Signs Meet Their Soulmate on January 29, 2024

Since this day, January 29, 2024, brings us a challenging transit like the Moon trine Mars transit, the love we can find on this day is the kind we either fight for or are very passionate about have worked hard. For those of us who have been single and looking, the tendency to give up is strong; However, as the Moon trines Mars, we may find that the right person shows us that day… out of the blue.

The chances of us meeting our perfect love partner on this day are greater than on other days, as there is a strange kind of “positive desperation” associated with the transit Moon trine Mars. It's like we're ready to try again, and in that attempt we literally find what we're looking for. And for three zodiac signs, January 29, 2024 appears to be “the day it happens.”

There is no guarantee that things will last, but we may find that we are willing to take that risk. We've waited so long, so why not take advantage of the opportunity that's in front of us? This transit, Moon trine Mars, is positive and lively. We may be strong and hold on to our ideals, but we are willing to realize them, which means we are sleeping on that ideal.

Zodiac signs that could meet a soulmate on January 29, 2024:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

If you thought this would never happen to you, on this day, January 30, 2024, you have the opportunity to eat your words because it looks like the perfect partner you never imagined is coming had that you would meet him, provide you. You've got a lot going on this day, Aries, and it certainly doesn't hurt to have the transit of the Moon trine Mars on your side. You had in mind that you wanted someone “perfect,” and while that definitely leaves some “wiggle room,” you’re pretty familiar with the details.

You know you won’t settle for “much” less than you imagine. And you are completely justified in wanting the kind of person you want because life has shown you that simply settling for less is not a good thing. Settling for less is the last thing you'll do in love and romance, and lo and behold, today's transit of the Moon trine Mars allows us to meet someone who will meet all your standards.

Of course, these standards are based on what you believe excellence is, and that is all you plan to give yourself. They know that you will be an incredible partner and that is why you are really looking for the perfect partner. They will tolerate nothing less than Aries material, and that's not a terrible standard to hold anyone to. January 30, 2024 brings this person into your vision. Now the rest is up to you.

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2. Scorpio

(October 23rd – November 21st)

The Moon trine Mars puts you in a position of power, Scorpio, as you feel in control of your actions and can tell the difference between what is good for you and what is completely wrong . On January 30, 2024, you will meet someone you connected with on a dating app again, and the difference between this day and all the previous days is that this one will produce the one person you finally see as your “perfect one.” “Partners”. '

However, you don't live in a dream world. Ideal and perfect matches don't really exist…or do they? What you do know is that if you want to spend your very precious time with another person in the name of love and romance, then that person is more likely to impress you in a way that you find surprising but positive. You're tired of negative people and bad vibes, and since you don't plan on bringing them yourself, you want the same optimistic attitude in return.

While this all sounds like you need to stay in control, it's more about not wanting to go back or allow the wrong mood to set in; You know what you want in a love relationship, and luckily, that's a very doable thing that will manifest itself as perfect for you on January 30, 2024, during the helpful transit of the Moon trine Mars.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22nd – December 21st)

Gone are the days when you were flattered by kind words and compliments about your looks or talent. All that stuff is nice, but you're looking for substance; You have to remember that the person who has to love you has to be someone who accepts you as you are at this moment. You're tired of impressing people with your talent; Yes, that's all well and good, but you need someone who can look beyond the fringe benefits.

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On this day, January 30, 2024, you may want to put aside your jaded attitude and be open to the idea that your perfect partner has seen you in all your faded glory, Sagittarius, and… they want to know more about you . You have to take that as a good thing because that is actually what you wanted. Don't let fear get in the way. Let the transit of the Moon trine Mars do its good work. Let it form your armor so you can let love into your life.

If you are able to keep an open mind, you will realize that not all people are the same. There is one person who is meant for you and they will pick up on your signals on this day, January 30, 2024, so do yourself a favor and join in. Do not miss that chance. Don't automatically jump to the conclusion that they're only in love with what you can produce; You have a heart and a soul that needs love. Let it take place. Let it happen.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.