4 restaurants that really choose the dishes during filming: It’s not Borghese, it’s someone more influential Street Food News.it

Alessandro BorgheseAlessandro Borghese at 4 restaurants – Source: Instagram/ @borgheseale – Streetfoodnews.it

Who really chooses the dishes served in 4 restaurants? It’s not Alessandro Borghese. Here’s what came of it. The whole truth has been revealed

4 restaurants is still one of the most followed and popular culinary shows on television. Actually carried out by Alessandro BorgheseThe Sky show is set in the world of catering and each episode assesses the menu, location, service and bill of four restaurants to determine the winner among them.

As any loyal viewer knows well, restaurateurs must rate each “opposing” restaurant in each episode of “4 Restaurants.” Therefore, like real customers, You sit at a table in the restaurant, browse the menu and order the dishes that inspire you the most.

In addition, the host himself also does the same: he then orders some dishes and rates them. However, the public has always wondered whether it is actually the restaurateurs, Borghese or the program itself that chooses the dishes to order.

Here it is A former face of the show broke the silence And has finally answered this question. So let’s take a closer look at what he revealed and what came out of it. This means the whole truth about 4 restaurants has come to light.

4 Restaurants: A former winner of the show speaks

A former winner of 4 restaurants revealed this some background information on the famous show e has finally revealed who really chooses the dishes they want to order in each episode.

Actually, Giorgio Carusoformer winner and owner of Lievità, told the whole truth and also admitted that it is actually not Alessandro Borghese who chooses which dishes to serve in the participating restaurants.

Alessandro BorgheseA new background appears for 4 restaurants – Source: Instagram/ @borgheseale – Streetfoodnews.it

Who actually chooses the dishes to order?

During an interview for Dissapore.com, Giorgio Caruso shared some background information about what goes on behind the scenes at 4 Ristoranti, including who actually chooses the dishes to order during the filming of each episode. And no, It’s not about Borghese at all.

More specifically, when it comes to orders nothing would be prepared And no script to be followed in detail. In fact, apparently the choice of food to be consumed it would be done on site and not in advance. In short, apparently they would be The restaurateurs decide for themselves which dishes they would like to try and rate. Basically nothing is agreed upon in advance.

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