60% of Brazilians say there is drug trafficking where they live

The Ipsos survey shows the country ranks third among 29 nations in perception of crime for illicit substances

Research by Ipsos shows that 60% of Brazilians say they have seen or heard of a drugrelated crime in their neighborhood in the past 12 months. Here is the full text (3 MB).

The survey was conducted in 29 countries. Brazil ranked third for perceptions of crimes related to human trafficking. It trails only Thailand and Chile both at 66%. Japan (4%), Israel (20%) and Singapore (24%) are at the bottom of the list. The global average is 29%.

Regarding drug use, 72% of Brazilians said they had witnessed the use of illegal substances in their neighborhood. The average of the 29 countries is 50%.

The survey also examined other issues related to crime:

  • robberies 53% said they had seen or heard of it in their neighborhood in the last 12 months. The global average is 45%;
  • violence against women 6 in 10 respondents (63%) said they were aware of the neighborhood incident. The global average is 40%.

“Despite the alarming figures on perceptions of crime in the country, the majority of public opinion does not want crime reduction to be the government’s top priority,” said Marcos Calliari, CEO of Ipsos in Brazil.

According to him, 59% of Brazilians surveyed are interested in job creation and economic growth.

The survey polled 23,039 people from March 24 to April 7, 2023. In Brazil there were 1,000. The margin of error for the country is 3.5 percentage points.