An employee turns off the office heating because his sandwich was stolen

An employee at a Paris company who had his chicken sandwich stolen from the fridge found no better way to get revenge than by depriving his colleagues of heating for more than 48 hours.

Around forty employees were then shivering in the cold in offices across the company, as “20 Minutes” reported on Tuesday.

The employee named Miguel, who didn’t take the joke about missing his dinner break, resisted his colleagues and pressure from his superiors to reconnect the radiators.

The conflict reached social networks when one of the employees wrote that Miguel had turned off the heating “just on a whim,” which forced the person concerned to react and defend himself.

“Just a whim then? My money is being stolen [pain] “Swedish and I have to accept without batting an eyelid?” replied Miguel, who did not give in to his colleagues’ threats to denounce him.

While the company’s offices looked like cold storage, colleagues’ efforts to convince Miguel to reconsider his decision were unsuccessful, according to 20 Minutes.

“Until the person denounces himself, come with gloves,” Miguel recommended to his colleagues, who, however, were careful not to turn off the heating in their own office.

It wasn’t until this Tuesday that the employee finally mended his ways by turning the heating back on and complaining that it had come to the point of “restoring order at this fair.”

“I would like to warn you again that this event should happen again […]The next sanction will result in the closure of [toilettes]” he warned.