Latitude#67 Teaser: Exsoldier kidnapped Crusoe

The repression of Nicolás Maduro's dictatorship is not limited to the borders of Venezuelan territory or to the Essequibo region of Guyana, which Chavismo is trying to illegally annex.

The Maduro regime is also suspected of being involved in the kidnapping of a former military dissident in Chile.

Ronald Ojeda (photo), who had positioned himself as a critic of Nicolás Maduro's dictatorship in the country, was kidnapped from his apartment in Santiago, Chile, on February 21st.

Ojeda's disappearance mobilized Gabriel Boric's government authorities, who called Interpol to locate him.

The Bolivarian dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro made Ojeda one of the leaders of an alleged international plot to kill him. The operation, called “Operation White Bracelet,” would involve 33 dissident soldiers from the Venezuelan armed forces considered “traitors,” including the name Ojeda.

The kidnapping of the exsoldier is the subject of the podcast episode Width this Saturday, March 2, with the Venezuelan sociologist Guillermo Pérez.

“Ojeda was kidnapped by Venezuelans. This is known because he was kidnapped with his wife and she heard his Venezuelan accent. They pretended to be Chilean immigration agents,” says Pérez.

For the WidthThe Venezuelan sociologist also talks about the personal and diplomatic relations between Lula and Nicolás Maduro, the United Nations Human Rights Mission in Venezuela and the Venezuelan dictator's antiSemitic attacks.

O Width is a weekly podcast about the most important facts about international politics and Brazilian diplomacy, broadcast every Saturday at 6 p.m.

All content of the program is available exclusively to Crusoé/The Antagonist subscribers, who can watch it on YouTube or listen on audio platforms.


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