Discover which is the happiest country in Latin America according to international rankings: it's not Brazil

She is in a constant search for well-being World Happiness Report It is a beacon that shows the level of happiness around the world. The current ranking, like every edition, brought surprises. Latin America, a region known for its human warmth, impressive landscapes And cultural diversity, is no exception in this global investigation. This year, one country in particular stood out, refuting the popular belief that luck is concentrated in the largest or economically strongest nations.

A Latin American country managed to stand out from the crowd by ranking 23rd in the world and becoming number one in the region. This finding contradicts the expectations of many who agree that Brazil and its carnivals would be holders of this title. However, the secret of this nation's happiness lies in elements that go beyond even materialism, such as: Connection with naturethe importance of community and a focus on sustainability.

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What is the happiest country in Latin America?

He World Happiness Report, in its latest edition, placed Costa Rica at the top of happiness in Latin America. This country, known for its saying “Pura vida,” which encapsulates its philosophy of a positive and relaxed life, has shown that happiness goes beyond that The GDP per capita. Factors such as social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity and perception of corruption play a crucial role in evaluating happiness. Costa Rica excels in these aspects, which confirms its recognized place in the rankings.

Discover which is the happiest country in Latin America according The World Happiness Report placed Costa Rica at the top of the happiness list in Latin America. Photo: Statista.

Costa Rica is not only characterized by its impressive biodiversity and its commitment environmental Protectionbut also for its robust public health system, accessible education and a stable democracy. The “Pura vida” philosophy is practiced in every corner of the country, promoting a positive attitude and a strong sense of teamwork. These elements, combined with public policies focused on social well-being, have created an environment in which happiness and contentment are the norm, not the exception.

He World Happiness Report It is based on a methodology that includes surveys of citizens around the world and assesses their well-being based on factors such as income, social support, freedom and trust in government. This report prepared by Gallup World Pollbecomes an essential reference for understanding how happiness is distributed around the world and which countries are leading the way in creating happy and healthy societies.

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What is the happiest country in South America?

According to the latest findings, it is the happiest country in South America World Happiness ReportIs Uruguay. This sector is characterized by a high level of social well-being, security and policies that promote the equality and quality of life of its residents. Uruguay is characterized by its political stability, an accessible and high-quality healthcare system, also for his commitment to education and environmental protection. All of these factors contribute to the South American country taking a top spot in the happiness rankings.