A couple has been driving around with a giant giraffe in their car for 15 years – TVA Nouvelles

A Colorado couple has been driving their convertible with a giant giraffe in the back seat for 15 years.

The two Americans had bought this giant stuffed toy for their daughter, but when they saw the animal next to their car, they had the idea of ​​installing it in it, CNN reports.

After a walk through the neighborhood, they were happy to see the smiles of their young neighbors.

“I tried it once and loved it,” says Larry McNabb. I told my wife I would never drive again without a giraffe in the car.”

According to Sally McNabb, this practice means they need to drive safely as they are easy to spot.

“You know, if you cut someone off, they’ll remember it was someone with a giraffe in a red car,” she says.

Fifteen years later, her goal is to continue making her neighborhood a better place with every car trip.

“Some people have the gift of singing, others have the gift of the arts and for others it is the gift of making people happy with a giant giraffe in the back of a convertible,” says Ms. McNabb.

Check out the footage in the video above