A devastated family is warning their owners after their dog died as a result of consuming xylitol

Kate Chacksfield lives in London Ruby Hound and the rest of his family.

Kate and Ruby were inseparable and spent a lot of time together until Ruby sadly passed away died after eating brownies.

A deadly and unknown ingredient

While everyone knows that chocolate is bad for dogs – and cats – we don't always know about all the other foods that are bad for our little friends' health. So Kate Chacksfield learned the hard way and her dog's.

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It all happened when Kate decided to make brownies without sugar, but added sugar sweetener, because on a diet. But when confronted with these little sweets, Ruby couldn't resist and after managing to grab two of them, she ate them whole.

Nothing could be more harmful to the dog than after ingesting a large dose of xylitol, which is harmful to dogs. She became ill within 36 hours.

A heartbreaking farewell

When Kate realized the dog was sick, she immediately took her to the vet, but unfortunately It was already too late for poor Rubywhich was getting worse by the minute.

With the doctor's help, Ruby struggled between life and death for a few more days until, despite her family's despair and disbelief, she died.

Today, Kate and her family want help from Ruby's death Raising awareness of other owners about the dangers of xylitolcontained in various light products or in chewing gum and other sweets.