Actress Emel Atici dies with her daughter in the rubble of the quake in Turkey

One week after registration 7.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the south Turkey and north of Syriawho has left more than 35,000 deadin the last few hours the death of actress Emel Atici, who lost his life with his Puryan daughterafter being locked at home.

The death of Turkish actress Emel Atici has been confirmed

The body of the Turkish interpreter who was part of the cast of the successful Bitter Land series.It was found under the rubble of his houseDTo is in the province Adana .

It was the production he took part in emel atici which is confirmed by their social networks death of the actress and her daughter, as the bodies of both have already been found.

We extend our condolences to the family and loved oness the precious actress of our TV series ‘Tierra amarga’, Emel Atici and her beloved daughter. We are deeply saddened by the catastrophe in our country and for all our citizens who lost their lives in the earthquake,” they posted on Instagram.

emel atici was part of the group Actors and actresses Turkish women missing after earthquake in southern region Turkeyincluding is also Cansu Derewhose whereabouts are still unknown.