Al Bano blocks traffic: Sensational in Florence, how they catch him

Al Bano blocks traffic Sensational in Florence how they catch

Al Bano On May 20, he turned 80, but in practice the celebrations of his birthday have been going on for some time and are not over yet. Tonight, Tuesday 23 May, the event that took place at the Arena di Verona will be broadcast on Canale 5: the Cellino San Marco singer has in fact created a great concert, with the help of many friends with whom he shared important sides of his life, not only artistically.

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In the last few hours, Al Bano has gone viral over a rather odd fact: in fact, he was spotted posing near the tram tracks Florence. A somewhat hilarious scene with a motorist doing it traffic blocked to stop and photograph him: In fact, the man immediately noticed the white hat that is a distinctive Al Bano signature and rushed towards him to take a commemorative photo. For his part, the singer never rejects his admirers, posing in the middle of traffic.

But we were talking about the event that will be broadcast tonight on Canale 5: it’s called Al Bano – 4 times 20 and it will be an evening dedicated to his career. In addition to the special guests, the great protagonists will be the songs, including Al Bano, who will sing some of his greatest hits that have made him famous all over the world.