Alice Marie Johnson reveals that her life story is becoming a Hollywood movie

Kim KardashianThe quest to free former convict Alice Marie Johnson from life imprisonment is turning into a Hollywood movie.

Johnson, who is now fighting for justice, revealed exclusively to DailyMailTV that Hollywood studios have submitted offers for biographical films that she plans to develop.

The 66-year-old, who convinced Kardashian of the former president Donald Trump to be released from prison in 2018, intends to co-write the script.

Johnson revealed the news Saturday at the NFL Alumni Association Super Cup party in hollywood.

Award-winning actresses Quinn Latifah, Angela Bassett and Regina King are the preferred choice of judicial reform advocate to play her in the film.

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Alice Marie Johnson’s life sentence was commuted in 2018 after Kim Kardashian lobbied for her release

Johnson, who served 21 years for a nonviolent drug crime, commuted her sentence by President Donald Trump in 2018 before receiving full pardon in 2020. They are pictured together at the 2019 Prison Reform Summit. in the White House

Speaking to DailyMailTV at the NFL Alumni Association Super Bowl party in Hollywood on Saturday, Johnson revealed that her life story is turning into a Hollywood movie

As many in Hollywood attacked President Trump before and after his tenure in the White House, she vowed to present him with sympathy, saying she was “forever grateful” for his release order four years ago and later for full pardon.

Johnson made headlines when Kardashian visited the White House in 2018 and personally pleaded his case before Trump, convincing him that the life sentence for the first nonviolent drug crime was wrong.

Speaking on camera about Hollywood’s plans to turn the story of his life into a movie, Johnson said: “I already had some offers.

“I looked at a few actresses that I would like to play.

“I love Queen Latifah. I think she will be a strong character who will show her instincts for survival.

“I absolutely love Angela Bassett. The reason I love her is that I love to dance, and she is a great actress and dancer. There are some others on my list: I love Regina King.

“I want someone who can bring the passion and all aspects of my life to the big screen, not only as a prisoner who survived and came out, but also really humanize my story.

“And also to show the ups and downs, because I could really give up, but I didn’t.

Johnson told DailyMailTV that he has already “had some offers” and intends to write the script for his life.

As for potential actresses who could play her, Johnson named Queen Latifah as a person who can play a strong character and “will show his instincts for survival.”

Honors stars Regina King and Angela Bassett were also on Johnson’s list, she revealed.

“I am a fighter. So I need someone who has that fighting spirit.

Johnson added that she wants to pursue the film by producing plays performed by other inmates during her time in prison.

“I would like to help write the script because I’m passionate about it.

“I do not want something that is just a nice story.

“I hope my story is a story of hope, survival, not just turning lemons into lemonade. “We will have things in life that will bring us down, but this is the way we react to these things that shape people.

“I could have taken a different path and allowed the prison to enter me. I did not allow myself to be consistent with where I was.

He said he wanted the film to be grounded, not turned into a glamorous, upbeat Hollywood biographical film.

“I want them to see that I am an ordinary person who made a mistake. And with that first mistake, I was given a life plus 25 years without parole. They need to see that this judicial system is broken. I am not unique.

“This gives me the opportunity to put criminal justice reform first and foremost.”

Kim Kardashian’s first trip (left) to Trump’s White House came in May 2018, with President Trump replacing Johnson’s sentence days later

Kardashian visits President Trump at the White House once again in 2020 to discuss criminal justice reform with newly released prisoners

Johnson spent almost 22 years in federal prison. Following her release in 2018 following Kardashian’s campaign, she launched a campaign to pardon others like her, serving long sentences for relatively minor, nonviolent and first crimes.

Her non-profit organization, Taking Action for Good (TAG), advocates for more than 100 candidates for pardon and amnesty and has helped 46 people get a second chance.

Her story was attributed to the adoption of the First Step Act in 2018, a law that rewards good behavior in prison with reduced sentences and vocational training.

“It means a lot to me to tell stories to others,” she said. “It’s not about the things I did. It’s about the people I represent.

The activist said that her charity work will remain a priority over her Hollywood proposals – although she now considers Kardashian a friend.

“When I met Kim Kardashian, I didn’t even know who she was. I had no preconceived notions about her. I met her as a friend who stood up for me. We now have a very close relationship.

“In fact, I was so busy traveling from state to state. I just see the fruits of my labor, unite communities and rebuild families. This is a difficult but very rewarding job.

She said she believes Kim, who is studying to be a lawyer, is likely to follow her father, Robert Kardashian, into criminal defense.

Johnson vows to portray President Trump with sympathy, saying she was “forever grateful” for his release order four years ago and later a full pardon.

“I think Kim was born with this in her, but she didn’t realize she had it in her until my case came up. My case changed her life and she changed my life too. Because she saw the results of the battle. She said, “If I can save someone’s life, I’ll do anything.”

“I told Kim she was born with this DNA in her, and I just needed my case to find out what’s in it.”

Johnson was convicted in 1996 of conspiracy to possess cocaine and attempted possession of cocaine.

She was addicted to gambling and deep in debt. When members of the Tennessee gang asked her to get hotlines for them in exchange for money, she agreed – a decision she now deeply regrets.

But when prosecutors thwarted the gang’s drug trafficking scheme, Johnson said she was mistaken for “queen” and received a draconian sentence despite her previous clean card.

“I was an ordinary person, I worked and took care of my children. And there have been crises, “she said. “Sometimes we need to do better in crisis situations.”

Two years after her early release, Johnson was invited to the White House in 2020, where Trump surprised her with a presidential pardon.

The activist, who previously spoke to DailyMailTV in October (pictured), said her charity will remain a priority over her Hollywood proposals.

She said he looked a very different man off camera than the one she had seen on television.

“Although many things have been written [Trump] “Personally, I had the opportunity to have a different type of relationship,” she said.

“He listened to me.” There were no rotating cameras.

“He was interested in what I was saying.” And he allowed me to use this platform to save the lives of many people.

This weekend, Johnson joined a number of stars, including former Denver Broncos quarterback Terrell Davis and controversial former Trump associate Omarosa Newman at the NFL Alumni Association’s Super Bowl party at the EK Gallery in Los Angeles.

The event was organized by Athletes for Life, founded by former NFL Pro Bowl quarterback Greg Bell, a charity dedicated to promoting alcohol and drug-free living and the benefits of sports for children.