All information about Christmas tree disposal

Old Christmas trees are cut down and placed in organic waste or, in the case of residential complexes, sent whole to a common collection point. To be composted easily, trees must be free of all Christmas decorations. Collection dates vary depending on your home address and are listed in the 2024 trash collection schedule.

A few days after Christmas, the first Christmas trees are removed from houses and apartments. In the city's waste disposal department, employees are already collecting the first Nordmann spruce and silver fir trees. In Klagenfurt, Christmas trees that are no longer needed are cut down and thrown into the organic waste or, in the case of residential complexes, sent whole to a common collection point. However, candles, jewelry and decorations must be completely removed beforehand. This is the only way trees can be easily harvested and composted.

“Valuable humus is then created from the collected Christmas trees. In this way, we make an important contribution to saving resources.”
Waste Disposal Officer, Councilwoman Sandra Wassermann, BA

Depending on your home address, there are various pickup dates. These are marked with the Christmas tree symbol in the 2024 waste collection plan that has already been delivered. Those who traditionally leave the Christmas tree until Candlemas, February 2, 2024, can then dispose of it in the organic bin.

All current garbage collection datesreminder function as push-up message and much more on the topic of disposal in Klagenfurt the rubbish app – free to download from app stores.