Allevi moves through the hospital, “Thank you for the courage you give me” music

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the countless messages you have sent me. I have allowed myself to be enveloped by your energy and this energy gives me great courage to face this fight. I really love you.” These are the words of Giovanni Allevi included in a video on Instagram sent to his followers from the room of the hospital where he is being treated. The 53-year-old Marche musician and composer, who was diagnosed with myeloma last June, appears deeply moved in the video. Allevi had published another post with a photo of the ward door, making it clear that he was about to start a new treatment cycle, along with the caption: “Another crucial step towards recovery. Thanks to everyone who works in this fantastic structure!”.

Giovanni Allevi moved by the hospital: “Thank you for the courage you give me”



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