An atypical looking kitty commands attention as much as it wins hearts Woopets

Many people frown when they meet young Toast, a kitten with an… intriguing appearance. Why is his fur so wild? Hannah Taff, her foster mother, tried to provide an explanation.

Drawing : "An atypical looking kitten will draw both looks and hearts"© Hannah Taff

Toast recently arrived at the premises of Angels Among Us Animal Rescue, a Tennessee-based animal shelter. At that time, the cat was rescued from the street along with 15 other kittens and then found in a foster home.

The kitten was unwell, remembers Hannah Taff, her foster mother. “Her eyes were almost completely caked and she was the smallest of them all,” she told The Dodo. She could hardly walk. »

Article illustration: A kitten with an atypical appearance attracts attention as much as it wins hearts

Hannah Taff

A strange development

Over time, Toast began to heal and grow by leaps and bounds, but something strange happened. The more she healed, the weirder she looked…!

All the other kittens she was rescued with looked like normal kittens. Also toast at the beginning. Then, without warning, his fur went wild!

Article illustration: A kitten with an atypical appearance attracts attention as much as it wins hearts

Hannah Taff

For some reason her foster mom doesn’t know, Toast always looks like she’s woken up from a really long nap… No matter how many times she’s been groomed, she always looks disheveled. An apparition that unsettles everyone who encounters it.

A unique pussy

“She takes a bath and is brushed every day. A lot of people think she just needs a bath to look normal again, but no, she’s just one of a kind,” says Hannah.

Thankfully, Toast didn’t seem to realize that she was a little different from her peers. Even if people are disturbed by her looks, she will win their hearts in no time!

Article illustration: A kitten with an atypical appearance attracts attention as much as it wins hearts

Also read: A cat disabled by shyness allows itself to be petted for the first time and offers a moving scene on social networks (video)

Hannah Taff

“They almost always say, ‘She’s so ugly, she’s cute,’ and that’s true,” says Hannah, “but everyone falls in love with her because of her amazing personality.”

Toast has some eye problems that her foster mother is doing her best to fix, but that doesn’t stop her from being a talkative and carefree kitten. She may always look sleepy, true, but she still has energy left!

Photo by Maria Anki

From Maria Anki
web editor

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