I’m tired of seeing Antonio (Tony Ramos) Get ready in Nova Primavera, soft (Flavio Bauraqui) sets a trap and has the villain arrested earth and passion. And in the next chapters of the storyline, which airs at nine o’clock on Globo, the husband of Irene (Gloria Pires) finds out who was responsible for her arrest.
the father of Jonathan (Paulo Lessa) orders 1 kilo of cocaine loaded into one of the rich man’s trucks and reports it to the police. Scenes later, the villain is surprised by the arrival of the police, who say they have a warrant out for his arrest. He spends some time in prison, but his lawyer soon gets his release.
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Gentil (Flávio Bauraqui) and Antônio (Tony Ramos) in Terra e Paixão
Then Antonio complains marine (Leandro Lima) about not being informed about the operation and the delegate claims that he knows nothing because the federal police are responsible for the action. He goes on to explain that the narcotics must have been placed. “Exactly. But by whom? Who would dare? Marino, when I called you here, you knew what I was going to ask, didn’t you?” Responds the villain.
Marino then says he was able to locate the number who filed the police report and found out the person’s name. “Gentil dos Santos (Flavio Bauraqui), the father of Jonatas (Paulo Lessa), who helps the widow,” reveals the police chief. “O Gentil, that bastard has come back into my life,” Antonio replies.
With information from the portal O Globo.
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