and passion: Petra stops perpetrators from committing atrocities against children TV news

The arrival of Eriberto Leão in Terra e Paixão will turn Petra’s (Debora Ozório) life upside down. As advanced by TV newsThe actor will play Dirceu, the brother of Irene (Gloria Pires), who sexually abused his niece as a child and will return to Nova Primavera to panic her. In addition to the terror she will feel when she sees her abuser again, Petra must deal with the fascination he will develop for Rosa (Maria Carolina Basilio).

As soon as she sees her uncle, the young woman realizes that he is her perpetrator. In fact, the agronomist will remember the criminal’s face from a few days ago and will recognize him immediately when she sees him. Petra will hide her discomfort and share her torment only with her therapist Marta (Kika Kalache) and Luigi (Rainer Cadete).

She will be scared if Dirceu is interested when he learns that Ademir (Charles Fricks) has a 10yearold daughter. In a fit of rage, she will scream that he is forbidden from approaching the girl and follow in her uncle’s footsteps to prevent him from harming her cousin.


Rosa is the daughter of Ademir and Flor

One day Petra will catch Dirceu walking with Rosa and cause a scandal. The girl will explain that her mother Flor (Leticia Laranja) is nearby and that she met Irene’s brother by chance on the street. Irene’s daughter will take Rosa with her and warn Flor not to let the girl near Dirceu.

Terra e Paixão was written by Walcyr Carrasco and Thelma Guedes. The story takes place in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul. The story will remain on air until January 19 next year and will be replaced by the remake of Renascer (1993).

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