Attack on Jews in Zurich: perpetrator claimed to be a member of IS

The teenager who attacked and seriously injured an Orthodox Jew with a knife in Zurich on Saturday had expressed solidarity with the Islamic State (IS) jihadist militia before the crime.

Police in front of a synagogue in Zurich

APA/AFP/Arnd Wiegmann

Today, the responsible security director and district president, Mario Fehr, confirmed the authenticity of a video in which the 15-year-old declared himself a member of IS in Arabic and called for a “global fight against the Jews”.

In the IS confession video, the boy also threatens to launch a large-scale attack on a synagogue, kill “as many Jews as possible” and try to “massacre” non-Muslim people.

Victim is no longer in mortal danger

The 50-year-old man he attacked was no longer in mortal danger at the beginning of the week, according to the Keystone-ATS news agency, citing the Swiss Association of Israeli Communities (SIG).

According to witness statements cited by the Swiss Foundation against Racism and Anti-Semitism (GRA), the alleged perpetrator shouted anti-Semitic slogans before the crime. Security precautions in front of Jewish institutions in Switzerland's largest city have now been increased as a precaution.