Avenged Sevenfold in Quebec: The group continues to develop while maintaining the rating in the Videotron Center – Le Journal de Québec

American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold don’t quite present themselves under the same identity as they did in the late 2000s, but despite management changes, Quebec fans seem to have an unconditional love for the band.

The show got off to a flying start, so to speak, with Game Over and Mattel featured on A7X’s latest album, Life is but a dream…

Then, much to the delight of the audience, Mr. Shadows removed his white hood before delving into Afterlife and the ever-popular Hail to the King. From the first notes of this piece, no seat was occupied in the Videotron Center; Everyone was on their feet, fists in the air and screaming while the singer’s guitars and unique voice echoed with those of the 20,000 fanatics in attendance.

The tones, both of the voice and of M. Shadow’s and those of the instruments, were so tuned; one could have thought to hear the formation in their studio version.

As announced by M. Shadows, who spoke to Le Journal a few weeks before the show, the group’s latest project was unveiled. Which means fans of “Screamed” metal may have been left unsatisfied.

Fans have clearly bought the new proposal from Avenged Sevenfold, who have opted for a more relaxed style in their latest work. Aside from Mattel, the track “So Far Away” also seemed to charm the crowd.

A beautiful moment occurred when the banners in the heights of the arena were lit and Avenged Sevenfold performed We love you; an ode by the band to the importance of life and the planet.

“This particular city; I had dinner last night and I said fuck it, I’m moving here, it’s so beautiful,” Mr. Shadows started to the high-pitched screams of the crowd.

“Nightmare” and “Bat Country” were probably the songs that had the greatest impact on the building. On the first track, Mr. Shadows didn’t even have to bother singing the chorus; The crowd did it for him. Then in Bat Country, even the spectators who had access to the ceiling of the Videotron Center had a blast.

With no fear of being wrong, we can assume that Avenged Sevenfold has ensured the continuity of the love story that binds Quebec to rock and metal stars.

An audience that is difficult to warm up to

Avenged Sevenfold in Quebec The group continues to develop while

Photo QMI Agency, Marcel Tremblay

Thank you to the dozen of supporters who created some atmosphere during Alexisonfire’s performance who, despite putting on an excellent show, struggled to capture the audience. The formation, which has a dozen multimillion-dollar tracks spanning numerous plays on Spotify, was tasked with laying the groundwork for Avenged Sevenfold.

We felt the energy pick up again on the track “Young Cardinals,” but we could have expected a lot more from an audience sitting in front of a group whose albums have gone gold or platinum in Canada.

Even on Familiar Drugs, a dynamic and rhythmic track that, as they say, “logs,” the audience didn’t respond more than necessary to the requests of the group’s singer, who wanted a mosh pit to form.

Nonetheless, a quality performance that left fans of 2000s emo music feeling nostalgic.

Kim Dracula

1690015699 9 Avenged Sevenfold in Quebec The group continues to develop while

Photo QMI Agency, Marcel Tremblay

If you were just listening, not looking, it sounded like the 25-year-old Australian was giving six opening acts in one. The singer switched from melodic metal to electro, flirted with rap and pop, and then returned to metal, this time death-style. He has proven that his bow holds an impressive amount of strings.

Due to a slight delay in opening the doors, the concert started about thirty minutes after the scheduled time.