Bárbara Bermudo leaves her husband speechless as she gives him the surprise of his life!

A birthday is always a blessing, but when it is a leap year, the celebration is even more special and meaningful because of its significance. This February 2024, Mario Andres Moreno He was able to properly celebrate his birthday on the corresponding date. What the journalist couldn't even imagine is that his wife, Barbara BermudaHe had prepared the surprise of his life.

The Puerto Rican communicator organized something her daughters' father will never forget. A gift that he put all his love and enthusiasm into. The result couldn't have been more endearing and emotional for the birthday child.

The successful businesswoman made the impossible possible. “It was a very special evening because Mario was able to celebrate his leap year for the first time with his seven children and my parents,” Bermudo told People en Español exclusively.

In a time when it is so difficult to combine plans, love was stronger and the presenter was able to celebrate his life with those who are his greatest pride and love. “We live in a world that moves very quickly. So when we see the opportunity to share these priceless moments, we take it. Nowadays it is a challenge to redefine priorities and focus on family, but even if it is so.” “The good thing is that it is quality time,” Bárbara shared before this exciting meeting.

With the birthday boy Mario.

Courtesy of B. Bermudo

One that was possible thanks to the cooperation of his family and of course Tom Angelo, owner of Fiola, the spectacular Italian restaurant in Miami where the celebration took place, who took care of every detail with care. From the invitations to the table decoration to the presentation of the individual dishes. A room that was visited by leading figures such as William Levy, Mark Anthony, Jay Z, Lili Estefan And Raul De Molinaamong many others.

The stars of his life were there, his seven children, who did not want to miss this unique and unrepeatable moment with his father figure, his great role model. Mario A. Moreno Jr. and his fiancée Alexandra Álvarez, Daniel Moreno, Michelle Moreno and her husband Brandon Rodríguez, Camila Moreno, Mía Moreno, Sofía Moreno and Bárbara's parents, Magaly Bermudo and Gustavo Bermudo, attended the meeting.

Moreno family.

Courtesy of B. Bermudo

We celebrate Mario A. Moreno.

Courtesy of B. Bermudo

“Their greatest gift is seeing all of their children together and this special year was able to achieve that. Those who have a birthday on February 29 are like those who wait for the arrival of a World Cup that is celebrated every four years,” she added the host with meaning. of humor. And as she pointed out: “There are approximately two million people in the United States alone who have the 'invisible' or leap birthday,” she said.

And what does Mario do if the month of February doesn't have 29 days? Well, something very funny. “He takes advantage of the opportunity and celebrates it on February 28 and March 1,” continued Barbara, who also highlighted her husband's great love for his parents, who were responsible for him being in this world. “It is also important for Mario to celebrate with his parents and when the opportunity arises, even for 24 hours, he visits them because, in his opinion, the celebration should also be dedicated to those who gave us life. “

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An encounter that left Mario with a happy heart and an eternal smile, as well as a deep love and gratitude to the creator of this magical moment: his life partner and perfect accomplice, Barbara.