Cezar Black, from BBB 23 (Globo), told attendees that he missed the date he left outside the house.
Understand what happened:
- The conversation took place by the pool today (24th) while other brothers shared connection stories;
- But it looks like he’s not alone in feeling this way. The young Maizy Magalhães also wished Cezar Black congratulations through content on her social networks;
- She posted videos of the two playing, laughing and even lipsynching;
- Maizy put hearts in the videos and wished her brother a happy birthday;
- Cezar previously revealed that this Friday he asked the XRay so that if he wins the Prova do Anjo they record a video with her:
- “I wanted to see her,” Black said.
It is over?
During the conversation, the brother revealed, “I had a really nice person I met about two months ago. We stayed and she knew about the whole process. She was super supportive. On the last day she made a surprise for me. With personalized balloons, ‘good luck’ and such. I thought it was really nice of her.”
Bruna asked, “Was she the one you left your dog with?”
Cezar: “No, my dog is with a friend who also takes care of my hammocks”.
Fred: “Wow, if he had left the dog with her, it would have been really serious.”
- 64047
- http://splash.uol.com.br/bbb/enquetes/2023/02/23/enqueteuolbbb23quemvocequereliminarnoparedaorelampago.js