BBB 24: Lucas Buda's wife reveals friends and family's reaction to the controversy | BBB24

1 of 1 Camila Moura, wife of Lucas Henrique

Camila Moura, wife of Lucas Henrique Reproduction/Instagram

Just before reaching the 2 million follower mark, added in the last few hours, Camila Mourathe wife of Lucas Henrique, took to social media to report the lack of support from the BBB 24 contestant's family since he came forward to Giovanna Pitel.

“The only person who tried to contact me directly was his sister and she said she understood I was upset but that I didn't need to do anything and to wait for the handsome guy to come out to talk to him ” he said of his sisterinlaw's reaction.

The treatment was not even that received from the teacher's friends and the capoeira player. “They mocked me. They called me an opportunist and said I was taking advantage of Lucas' 'fame'. Hey, super famous, you can see how many millions of followers the handsome man has by now,” he sneered.

When fans asked why she didn't comment on the game before Lucas Pitel expressed his feelings, she didn't run away. “He just did shit,” he explained. “What was wrong with not saving Marcus from Paredão? The guy who gave him an extra week in the house more week… the guy who helped him,” he continued.

BBB24: Camila Moura talks about the reaction of Lucas Buda's friends and family after she went viral

She explained that the action of her husband, who broke the tie in the vote and nominated Marcus Vinícius for the wall in which he was eliminated, triggered old triggers in her. “It put me in a very specific situation of disappointment. But by trying to be loyal and interpreting it as just a mistake in reading the game, I preferred to keep to myself,” he concludes.

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