BBB 24: Wanessa Camargo and Fernanda call Davi a “sociopath Splash

“I sat here to watch him,” Wanessa Camargo said of Davi in ​​the fight.

Fernanda said her brother was a “sociopath” because he drank tea while Isabelle argued with bin Laden.

“He sat there quietly drinking his tea,” Wanessa said.

“People like him don’t make sense because they lie,” the singer said.

“It's the poor things who are wronged, it's the poor people, everyone is insulted,” said Yasmin Brunet, agreeing with her friend.

Lucas Pasin Maycon who was first eliminated from BBB 24

The UOL vote has no scientific character and has no influence on the result of the TV Globo program

BBB 24 Wanessa Camargo and Fernanda call Davi a sociopath

Special coverage of UOL on BBB

Chico Barney, Kerline, Leão Lobo and other columnists are featured in UOL's special BBB coverage on YouTube and social media.
From Monday to Friday there are three live broadcasts on YouTube as well as lots of content on Instagram and Tik Tok.