BCV Dollar TODAY, Wednesday March 6th, what is the dollar price in Venezuela?

The price of the BCV dollar was set at 36.13 bolívars in Venezuela today, Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Central Bank of Venezuela. However, for them exchange rate At the same time, we are reaching back DolarToday or Dollar Monitorwhich is determined based on the supply/demand of Bolivars in the country's most important cities.

This adjustment of the official exchange rate reflects the fluctuations that Venezuela is facing due to its current situation, both economic and political due to the numerous sanctions imposed by Venezuela USA to the Venezuelan government. Check the price and movement of the US dollar on various trading platforms in the country ruled by Nicolás Maduro.

What is the price of BCV dollar today, Wednesday March 6, 2024, in Venezuela?

The BCV dollar was quoted in 36.13 bolivars. The rate represents a weighted average derived from the daily operations of the active trading departments of the participating banking institutions. In this way, the US currency managed to maintain its price for the second day in a row after months of strong fluctuations. As mentioned, it closed 2023 with a 105% increase compared to the previous year, according to the Central Bank of Venezuela.

    BCV dollar price TODAY, March 6, 2024. Photo: Twitter / @BCV_ORG_VE

BCV dollar price TODAY, March 6, 2024. Photo: Twitter / @BCV_ORG_VE

Price of the BCV dollar TODAY, Wednesday, March 6, according to the Central Bank of Venezuela

What is the price of BCV dollar today, Wednesday March 6, 2024, in Venezuela?

The BCV dollar was trading at 36.13 bolivars. The rate represents a weighted average derived from the daily operations of the active trading departments of the participating banking institutions. In this way, the US currency managed to maintain its price for the second day in a row after months of strong fluctuations. According to data from the Central Bank of Venezuela, it ended 2023 with an increase of 105% compared to the previous year.

Photo: Twitter / @BCV_ORG_VE

BCV dollar price TODAY, March 6, 2024. Photo: Twitter / @BCV_ORG_VE

Homeland Bonds, March 2024: What bonuses are there in the first week?

Next we show you all the bonuses that will be available from March 1, 2024 and that you can collect through the Patria platform in Venezuela:

– Houses of home.
– José Gregorio Hernandez.
– Family economy.
– Breastfeeding.
– Humanized birth.
– 100% schooling.

How do I sign up to receive the War Bonus for Retirees in 5 steps?

To access the benefits and bonuses provided by the Government of Venezuela through the Patria system, you only need To on the platform with your ID card and a contact telephone number. Once you have met these requirements, we will leave you the information here. Simple registration instructions in five easy steps:

– Enter the home system.
– Log in with your ID and password.
– Go to “Directory” and enter “Family Nucleus” To the members of your household in the system.
– Place the IDs of your children and other family members and add their birth dates. If your children are under nine years old and do not have ID, you can present yours.
– Now you just have to confirm that the registration was carried out correctly and that's it.

DolarToday price in Venezuela TODAY, Wednesday March 6, 2024

The price of the parallel dollar in Venezuela has been updated in 38.27 bolivarsaccording to the latest update from dollars today.

DolarToday, March 5: Price of the dollar in Venezuela.  Photo: DolarToday

DolarToday, March 6: Price of the dollar in Venezuela. Photo: DolarToday

Dollar Monitor: What is the dollar exchange rate today, March 6, 2024?

He Dollar average it was founded in the Caribbean country E.g. 38,35 for every dollar, according to the latest update from Dollar Monitor. This is calculated based on the supply and demand of the US currency.

    Monitor today Dollar, March 6: Price of the dollar in Venezuela.  Photo: monitordolarvenezuela.com

Monitor today Dollar, March 6: Price of the dollar in Venezuela. Photo: monitordolarvenezuela.com

Price of the dollar in Venezuela @EnParaleloVzla3 for TODAY, March 6, 2024

@InParallelVzla3 shows an average of E.g. 38.05 for every dollar, according to the latest update.

    Price of the dollar in Venezuela today, March 6, according to Monitor Dólar.  Photo: Instagram/@EnParaleloVzla3

Price of the dollar in Venezuela today, March 6, according to Monitor Dólar. Photo: Instagram/@EnParaleloVzla3

Yummy Dollar: Dollar rate TODAY, March 6th

Yummy Dólar, another parallel market portal in Venezuela, shows an exchange rate of E.g. 36.09.

    Tasty dollar: price of the dollar in Venezuela today, March 6.  Photo: yummy-dolar.web.app

Tasty dollar: price of the dollar in Venezuela today, March 6. Photo: yummy-dolar.web.app

What are home bonds?

The Venezuelan government is continuing its program Home bonds, with the aim of supporting various population groups in the face of the economic situation. Four types of bonuses were granted in September 2023:

  • Bonus against economic war for civil servants: 945 bolivars.
  • Bonus against the economic war for pensioners in the public sector: 1,545 bolivars.
  • Youth job bonus: 168.80 bolivars.
  • We are Venezuela Bonus: 168.80 bolivars.
  • These bonds represent direct aid to Venezuelans, although the government has not yet announced specific dates for the delivery of the next subsidies.