Belgian farmers begin a week of protests by blocking several highways

They denounce wholesalers' low prices, administrative overload and environmental standards

The Belgian farmers This Sunday, January 28, they blocked traffic on several highways in the country slow tractor gearsas a start to a week announced mobilizations to protest against low prices and environmental regulations.

According to Belgian media reports, farmers at least want to make cuts 24 hour vehicle traffic at the Daussoulx motorway junction.

The farmers they denounce it low prices They are paid by wholesalers for their production, the administrative burdens they face and the environmental standards they must comply with, as well as the risks they believe free trade agreements such as the one currently being negotiated pose. European Union (EU) with the Latin American countries of Mercosur.

The protests coincide with the mobilization of farmers in other EU countries, such as: France And Germanyalthough the aim of the organizing units in Belgium is to extend the protests throughout the week.