Biden Defends the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Government ​​The Antagonist

The President of the USA, Joe Biden (Photo), explained this Saturday, 18, that the Palestinian authority should rule Gaza after the conflict.

In an article published in the American newspaper The Washington Post, Biden explained this Gaza and the West Bank “must be summarized under a unified government structureultimately under a Revitalized Palestinian Authority“.

“There must be no forced expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade and no territorial reduction,” he said.

Biden also said the US was prepared to ban visas for “extremists” who attack civilians in the West Bank.

“I have urged the Israeli leadership that extremist violence against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop and that those who perpetrate violence must be held accountable.”

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recently said that Israel must retain “all military responsibility” in Gaza “for the foreseeable future.” He further suggested that Israel would do so reject the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza after the end of the war against Hamas.

The Palestinian Authority has its headquarters in Ramallah and administers the West Bank. His main party, the Fatahchaired by Mahmoud Abbasis the main Palestinian rival to Hamas, the terrorist group that has controlled Gaza since 2007.