Big Brother celebrities | Barbados | –

The Big Brother Celebrities parlor game brought its participants straight to the schoolyard, whether secondary or elementary school, where the cool clique enforced their law and where the rejected ones razed the walls to the ground on their own.

Published at 12:49 am. Updated at 7:15 a.m.


Even as an adult, no one likes to feel excluded or kept apart from a group, as evidenced by the resounding exit of Barbada, who slammed the door on the Noovo reality show without notice on Thursday night. In a hyper-dramatic gesture, the drag queen, who never found her place in the colorful house, simply crowned her camp before being eliminated by her housemates.

An act that, in my opinion, is both brave and cowardly. Brave because Barbada respected its borders. Cowardly because she knew she was doomed and she gave up on the game by pushing up her own release date.

At least comedian Mélanie Ghanimé, who replaced Barbada in Endangerment Block, mounted an effective and comical campaign to keep her portrayal on the show, even if her chances of survival bordered on ice bath temperatures. by Pat Côté.

Barbada also claimed she stepped backwards on her high heels in the Celebrity Big Brother house. That the very concept of this reality show, which consists of lies, intrigue and betrayal of one's allies, was nothing like him. The fact that she describes herself as a very sensitive person is correct and legitimate.

But then why accept Big Brother's offer and take a single bed from someone with a knife between their teeth? This is the part I understand less.

Barbada was part of a minority alliance, that of the Mighty Ducks, with actress Joëlle Paré-Beaulieu, screenwriter Daniel Savoie and Mélanie Ghanimé. The fact is that his connection to the hard core, consisting of Joëlle and Daniel, was weak. From the beginning, we often saw Barbada alone in her corner, playing dice or listening to music.

By withdrawing from negotiations to obtain the six tokens, Barbada itself put the final nail in its coffin. It's a shame, but the short-lived alliance was right: you sleep, you go out, you sleep, you go. Model Ève Salvail will probably pay the price next Sunday, which will be part of the logic of the ban of the third player (read: Mélanie Ghanimé) who favored her sleep to the detriment of the game.

So far, this fourth season of Celebrity Big Brother is proving to be the best and most surprising.

The participants want to have fun and know the strategies to use very well, especially former MMA fighter Pat Côté and actress Joëlle Paré-Beaulieu (my favorite). Pat and Joëlle, each at the head of a faction of the house, the Bad Monkeys and the Mighty Ducks, formed a crucial and secret alliance on the first day of the adventure, the Andres Galarraga, which will allow them to avoid the guillotine for several years more weeks.

Creating subgroups also prevents “Big Brother Celebrities 4” from sinking into the predictability of too strong a coalition, like last year's afterparty, which eliminated its opponents one by one, resulting in low-tension episodes.

Even if certain candidates dominate, we feel that the balance of power could change at any time. The unnamed alliance, consisting of Olympian Charles Hamelin, YouTuber Gabrielle Marion, content creator Danick Martineau and comedian Dave Morgan, seems to me to be in a better position than that of Zoolander, which includes designer Jean Airoldi and Pat Côté (he's everywhere), that papa bear!), Ève Salvail and actress Erika Suarez. Logically, the Zoolanders will soon lose Eve Salvail, who was targeted by the “You sleep, you go out” alliance.

Jean Airoldi performed amazingly in the Tetris challenge and did a good job of decoding the power dynamics in the house. A lot more so than Eve and Erika, who seem more distant and less committed. YouTuber Gabrielle Marion is doing very well, moving between the different camps without getting into trouble.

Daniel Savoie, also known as hockey player Patrice Lemieux, is another solid player. He quickly exposed Erika Suarez's not-so-subtle intentions. I like his openness and his direct way of confronting the people who stand in his way.

Frédérique Turgeon, the new boss, will avoid eviction this week but risks leaving soon. The Paralympic athlete shuttles back and forth between different groups without protection or a stable connection. It's easy to dismiss before attacking the real leaders, including Pat Côté, the man with the richest chips.

Who will try to dethrone him? For three weeks, Pat Côté won everything. He's been boss twice, gets along well with everyone and has managed not to get his hands too dirty. Knock him unconscious. is becoming more and more difficult.

Two actions enable participants to advance in the “Celebrity Big Brother” competition: staying up late and clapping. Honestly, it seems like a) a dream job and b) it shouldn't be as complicated as sewing a dress out of toilet paper, right?