Big Brother, Grecia Colmenares and Giuseppe Garibaldi are the protagonists of the reality soap Tugurio Amaro!

Grecia Colmenares and Giuseppe Garibaldi have become protagonists of the GF soap Tugurio Amaro. Let’s see together what happened!

This was inevitable with the presence of the queen of telenovelas Big Brother In the end we gave one life Soap in reality: and that’s what happened in a special episode of Bitter hutthe soap from GF with protagonists Greece Colmenares And Giuseppe Garibalditogether with all the Gieffini who live in the hut.

GF, from reality TV to Tugurio Amaro: Grecia Colmenares and the hut protagonists of an unexpected soap

Bitter hut begins with a passionate and very fake kiss between them Greece Colmenares And Giuseppe Garibaldia few protagonists of a dark story about secrets and lovers: Greece she is actually in love with Victor (Vittorio Menozzi), friend of her daughter Annina (Anita Olivieri), but also Giuseppe Sbucciamelas hides his relationship with beauty Rosy chinan intolerant lover and eager to live her love story openly.

Soap is directed by a true master of cinema: Ciro Petronewho, almost like a deus ex machina, intervenes to unblock the situation when Samira Lui And Arnold They show up to claim what is rightfully theirs Arnold he is Victor’s son!

In short, one Soap in full rule was born according to the decision of in the hut where 10 of the participants live Big Brother split the house in two, shake up the alliances between the Gieffini. The reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini will be on the air again tonight, come on Channel 5with a new episode full of emotions.

This evening we also find out who has to leave the house between Beatrice, Arnold, Grecia, Giselda and Vittorio and who knows whether we will see some episodes of the soap Bitter hut. Meanwhile, fans on social media were able to observe several sneak peaks and reacted more than enthusiastically, especially to the performances of Joseph And Greeceentangled in a passionate kiss.

This was inevitable with the presence of the queen of telenovelas Big Brother In the end we gave one life Soap in reality: and that’s what happened in a special episode of Bitter hutthe soap from GF with protagonists Greece Colmenares And Giuseppe Garibalditogether with all the Gieffini who live in the hut.

GF, from reality TV to Tugurio Amaro: Grecia Colmenares and the hut protagonists of an unexpected soap

Bitter hut begins with a passionate and very fake kiss between them Greece Colmenares And Giuseppe Garibaldia few protagonists of a dark story about secrets and lovers: Greece she is actually in love with Victor (Vittorio Menozzi), friend of her daughter Annina (Anita Olivieri), but also Giuseppe Sbucciamelas hides his relationship with beauty Rosy chinan intolerant lover and eager to live her love story openly.

Soap is directed by a true master of cinema: Ciro Petronewho, almost like a deus ex machina, intervenes to unblock the situation when Samira Lui And Arnold They show up to claim what is rightfully theirs Arnold he is Victor’s son!

In short, one Soap in full rule was born according to the decision of in the hut where 10 of the participants live Big Brother split the house in two, shake up the alliances between the Gieffini. The reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini will be on the air again tonight, come on Channel 5with a new episode full of emotions.

This evening we also find out who has to leave the house between Beatrice, Arnold, Grecia, Giselda and Vittorio and who knows whether we will see some episodes of the soap Bitter hut. Meanwhile, fans on social media were able to observe several sneak peaks and reacted more than enthusiastically, especially to the performances of Joseph And Greeceentangled in a passionate kiss.

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