Find out below who will be the two new presenters of the next edition of Gf Party on Big Brother.
It’s almost finished now. Only two more days and we can finally watch for the great prime time debut of the new edition of Big Brother on the Canale Cinque. As we know, under the direction of Alfonso Signorini, it will be a completely renewed edition, in form and style. Will be a mix editionConsisting of Nip and VIP characters who all have to live together in the most spied house in Italy.
At the moment, The top three NIP participants have been announced (Vittorio Menozzi, Letizia Petris and Giselda Torresan) and the first three VIP participants (Alex Schwazer, Grecia Colmenares and Beatrice Luzzi). There is great anticipation and curiosity about the innovations that will be unveiled over the next few days and in some cases over the next few weeks.
But in the last few days only the first participants have been announced and presented, ready to cross the threshold of the famous red door of Cinecittà. Also, two characters who will be joining us with the format live week after week on Mediaset Infinity Girlfriend party. Also for this new edition there will be many new features, surprises, insights and guests who will be interviewed from time to time. Then you understand who the two new conductors will be the next issue of Gf Party?
Big Brother, here are the two new hosts of Gf Party
In the last issue at the forefront of the web format Gf Party The exceptional hosts were Soleil Sorge and Pierpaolo Pretelli. For this new edition, after the breath of fresh air and the changes brought about by Pier Silvio Berlusconi, the moderators and the social commentator as well as the commentators have also changed.
In fact, we will find the well-known journalist in the role of sole commentator Cesara Buonamici. In the role of social commentator, he will replace Giulia Salemi Rebecca Staffelli. And finally, at the head of the web format on Mediaset Infinity we find an old acquaintance of the program and a former student of Amici.
This is where the clues are revealed from the reality show’s official Instagram page about the two protagonists: “Zodiac sign: Taurus, super strength: deadly imitation, I can’t wait to be able to say: Marco does it, he will be an optimistic host at GF Party.” Zodiac sign: Aries, superpower: honest language, she can hardly wait to be able to say: everything is amplified here, at GF Party she will be: an outspoken hostess.”
Do you understand who it is? Here are the names: Andrea Diantetti And Annie Mazzola. We just have to wait until Monday night for the very first live episode and find out all the news of the new edition!
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