Big Brother, today's previews: nominations and polls, the double date is still missing

Alfonso Signorini's reality show will be broadcast in prime time on Canale 5 on Monday January 29, 2024: the latest news about the most watched house in Italy

Published on: January 29, 2024 10:45:00Pietro Guerrini

Content editor

Study of literature, longing to travel and passion for cartoons (Pizza and Pixar).

The Big Brother returns to the air tonight. In an edition that was, to say the least, disturbed in terms of programming changes, the reality show of Alfonso Signorini starts again today Monday, January 29, 2024 with the 33rd episode in prime time on Canale 5. After last Thursday's “missed” appointment in order not to challenge Doc – In Your Hands, a new week begins for the girlfriend, who will, however, continue to forego the double weekly appointment. Meanwhile, in Italy's most watched house, it's time for tough nominations: today's televoting will be an elimination round and will decide who has to leave Cinecittà. Let's find out all the previews, polls, etc Latest news at night.

Big Brother, the episode of January 29, 2024: What happens tonight

After the “missed” date on Thursday, January 25th, the 33rd episode of the Big Brother and there is great curiosity about the new, decisive, Balances in the most spied on house in Italy. Pearl Vatiero issued the challenge Beatrice Luzzi in competition for the scepter of “Queen” of this edition of Signorini's reality show, causing divisions and ongoing disputes. “I hope that something changes this week (…) I failed in this situation,” said Gieffina and ex of Mirko Brunettiwhich also and above all ended up in the sights Stefano Mieleangry about some swear words heard against him during the night Monia La Ferrera. The latter now after the tough confrontation with Massimiliano VarreseTonight he is threatened with elimination.

Nominations and televoting: competitors in danger

There are 6 nominees for Big Brother tonight. Federico Massaro, Cornflower, Monia La Ferrera, Pearl Vatiero, Sergio D'Ottavi And Stefano Miele I'm in danger preliminary televoting, which will determine who must leave the Cinecittà house. Be me Survey From Forumfree, Stefano D'Ottavi (33.39% of preferences) as well as Perla Vatiero (21.36%) and Fiordaliso (15.37%) should be saved. Followed by Stefano Miele (13.01% in the forecasts) and Federico Massaro (10.71%), while Monia La Ferrera is at great risk with 6.17% of the public's preferences.

When and where to watch it on TV and streaming tonight (Monday, January 29, 2024)

The Big Brother will be broadcast on television tonight Channel 5. Make an appointment in the early evening 9:30 p.m. Live and on-demand streaming available on the platform as always Mediaset Infinityvia app or official website.

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