As Les Colocs sang, those words could well apply to anything nature-related this year, at least for harvesting activities.
• Also read: The dual vocation of skeet shooting
After numerous floods, oppressive heat waves, a record number of wildfires, endless smog and poor air quality, an unbearable Humidex value and weather forecasts in often implausible sawtooth patterns, we now face rain and an often ominously overcast sky.
We tried it
I have great sympathy for those people who have been affected in one way or another by the fires, smoke or water damage. Some have sadly lost loved ones, their homes and many belongings. Others were evacuated and had to live far from home in sorrows. In addition, quality of life deteriorates during these events. To you all, my most positive thoughts are with you.
In the nature
The 504 fires since the beginning of the year have destroyed more than 1,502,401 hectares in Quebec, the equivalent of more than 2,512,000 soccer fields, according to SOPFEU.
The fauna and flora has seen all colors. In addition, these great misfortunes happened after the mating season and some offspring certainly did not survive. Imagine what it must have been like in the forest if smog and smoke plagued cities as far away as Montreal and even New York. Many animals certainly died amidst the flames or died of suffocation.
If the flames were intense at the level of lakes and small rivers and were nearby, they automatically increased the water temperature. And what’s alarming is that the hotter they are, the less oxygenated they are, which can lead to the death of certain populations that are less heat-resistant. Spotted trout, for example, seek an environment with more than four or five parts per million oxygen at 10°C, and this need increases as the water warms. Ash deposits, which have an alkalizing effect, should also be considered.
Of the 510 outfitters in La Belle province, 317 were closed on June 5, down from 260 on June 9. On July 12, 12 of those were still not operating. What is catastrophic is that a total of at least 125 outfitters were closed for at least two weeks in the high season. “In terms of financial losses, we’re possibly in the $10 million to $15 million range,” said Dominic Dugré of the Quebec Outfitters Federation.
Help Colette
“Golgotha, will you put an end to the rain and the grey, and the fine weather, will you put an end to it? my partner has raged every time I’ve had to cancel fishing trips since spring.
When I listen to the TVA newscast at 10pm, poor Colette Provencher and the other presenters seem utterly annoyed with announcing weather forecasts, and for good reason, let’s face it, often desperate. Thankfully, I can see in my infallible crystal ball that we’re going to have good weather over the holidays. Let’s take this opportunity to recharge your batteries, catch beautiful fish and encourage people who work outdoors.
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