Brazil, hundreds of Bolsonaro supporters storm the parliament building: clashes with the police

Hundreds of supporters of the former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro They attacked the parliament area in Brasilia and managed to penetrate the outer space around the palace. The area was guarded by police, but the Bolsonaristas, many of whom carried the Carioca flag on their shoulders, managed to break through the security cordon and several dozen of them managed to climb a ramp of the building to cover the roof to occupy. Police officers used tear gas and stun bombs to contain the protesters.

Supporters of the former president have already searched the parliament building and the Planalto building, the seat of the executive branch and, according to reports from the Brazilian broadcaster CNN, the building of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). According to reports from O Globo, vandalism is taking place. The videos, released by people inside, writes the Brazilian newspaper, show people disbanding seats in the plenary. “Window panes were broken” in the Palazzo Planalto, the square where the presidential residence, the Brazilian Parliament and the Supreme Court are located.

Police forces in riot gear prepare to break into Brasilia’s parliament occupied by Bolsonaro supporters. As can be seen from the live broadcast of CNN Brazil, hundreds of policemen move like turtles in front of the building to try to evacuate it.

Jair Bolsonaro, who was narrowly defeated by Lula in the Oct. 30 presidential runoff, left Brazil for the United States at the end of the year. Bolsonaro’s supporters do not accept Lula’s victory and hundreds of them camped outside the army headquarters in Brasilia the day after the Oct. 30 elections.

Defense Minister José Múcio Monteiro, Justice Minister Flavio Dino and the head of the Institutional Security Office (GSI), General Gonçalves Dias, are following the demonstrations. “This absurd attempt to enforce the will by force will not prevail. The federal district government says there will be reinforcements. And the forces at our disposal are at work. I am at the headquarters of the Department of Justice.” So on Twitter the Minister of Justice Dino.

The President of the Brazilian Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, today dismissed the “acts of terrorism” observed in Brasilia and reiterated that the coup plotters “must immediately submit to the full rigors of the law”. Pacheco also said he spoke to Brasilia Governor Ibaneis Rocha on the phone. “Some time ago I spoke by phone to the governor of the federal district, Ibaneis Rocha,” who informed him that “he is concentrating the efforts of the entire police force to control the situation.” “The security forces of the Federal District are on duty – assured Rocha – together with the police contingent available to Parliament”.

President Lula is currently in Araraquara, Sao Paulo state, to assess the damage caused by the recent heavy rains in the area. He had announced it this morning on his official Twitter profile.