Breastfeeding in public causes an uproar and threatens mother in US

One prejudice ingrained in society is breastfeeding in public, which continues to divide opinion. While some people see it as inappropriate, others just see it as a natural physiological process. Although many women are fighting back on the matter, one case caught particular attention when a woman threatened to attack a breastfeeding mother in public.

The situation caused embarrassment in the United States. Read on and understand what happened.

Breastfeeding in public is becoming a hot topic in the US

breastfeeding in public.Photo: Google.

Carly Clark from South Carolina in the United States shocked the broadcasters with a very controversial statement. In your Facebookshe threatened to hit the next mother she caught breastfeeding a child in public.

The publication was not well received by most netizens, who reported it to both Facebook and their own jobs, demanding decisions regarding her speech.

The most fascinating thing is that Carly is a mother but says she is absolutely against breastfeeding in public places. In their opinion, it is something “inappropriate” and “unnecessary”.

Post deleted

In the post, she says, “I’m sorry the next woman who tries to show her boobs to breastfeed in front of my kids is going to get a black eye.” She ends the post with, “Get the baby out, because I will beat him too.”

Clark argued that his words were only aimed at a woman, not publicly named, who showed up at his place of work breastfeeding her baby. A short time later, she herself wrote: “Do what you want, but I find it very immature that you, as a mother, are making an effort to get to a place where you know that I am working and breastfeeding.”

Carly says she’s not opposed to breastfeeding in general, but she doesn’t like it around her own children.

congregation resigned

Several angry Facebook users have called on Petsense, the company where Carly worked, to fire her after the unacceptable statements. She was a zookeeper and manager.

Users threatened a boycott against the company if no action was taken.

The company also posted a note on Facebook:

“Petsense has the highest standards Behave ethical and personal approach of our employees. We would definitely not tolerate violence, as a former Petsense employee recently posted.”