Cara de Sapato Testifies in BBB 23 Harassment Case: ‘It Was Very Difficult’ TV

Antônio Cara de Sapato testified on BBB 23 this Wednesday afternoon (22) on the sexual harassment investigation against Dania Mendez. Banned from Globo’s reality show, the fighter, accompanied by his lawyers, arrived at the Jacarepaguá Police Station for Women’s Aid (Deam). in the western zone of Rio de Janeiro.

He had been summoned by the civil police of Rio de Janeiro and by MC Guimê, who had already been at the scene of the crime on Monday (20th). “It was very difficult. We definitely regret it. I’m not in the best moment. I promise I’ll make all the explanations and say everything I can as soon as possible,” he told G1.

The defense claims there was no crime and is asking for the investigation to be archived, noting that Dania wants to search for Sapato herself after leaving reality show La Casa de Los Famosos.

“Sapato is devastated by this episode but very grateful for the manifestations of support and affection. The authorities will handle the case with sensitivity and justice,” his defense said in a statement to Fofocalizando.

Following the statement, the former BBB avoided the press and said he would not comment. “I’m sad. It’s not what I imagined. But I’ll make myself available to you as soon as possible. We definitely regret it. As I said, I’m not in the best of times right now.” , he said.

The fighter took to social media to apologize to the public and the Mexican influencer shortly after being kicked out of the reality show:

For me it’s a moment of deconstruction and that path isn’t always an on and off switch, is it? I had to look at everything to understand it and then reformulate my perspective. I understand that these are settings that can never be normalized. But I think the most important thing is to apologize from the bottom of my heart to Dania, her family and all the women who have been affected by my hiring.

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MC Guimê also testified

MC Guimê gave his version of Dania Mendez’s harassment case at BBB 23. On Monday (20th), the singer visited the Police Department for Women’s Aid (Deam) in Jacarepaguá in Rio de Janeiro. The former BBB arrived accompanied by his attorney, security guards and team of advisors.

The funk singer ran his hand down the Mexican’s body and butt as she tried to avoid him, and Antônio Cara de Sapato forced her into a kiss.

In a note to TV news On Friday (17th), the police confirmed that the two expelled were summoned. “Official pictures of the program have been requested and subpoenas have been served. The reviews and investigations are ongoing,” he said.

Dania returned to Mexico the day after they left BBB 23. At the moment she is imprisoned in La Casa de Los Famosos, Telemundo’s version of Celebrity Big Brother.