what are you doing in miami The beautiful Honduran presenter published photos on her social networks in which she poses in an elegant dress from a renowned designer brand.
The beautiful Honduran TV presenter Carolina Lanza surprised her thousands of followers on social networks this Saturday.
The talented presenter is traveling in Miami, USA.
Lanza traveled to this city to do a program on behalf of the TV house where he works in Honduras.
Carolina Lanza is a presenter at HCH TelevisiĆ³n Digital.
Her charisma has made her one of the most popular and recognized TV presenters in the country.
La catracha presents the news program of the HCH Matutino with the journalist Eduardo Maldonado.
The young communicator has 1.2 million followers on Instagram, where she shares photos of her professional and personal experiences.
The charismatic Catracha posted several photos on Instagram.
In the pictures, Lanza Navarro posed with a yellow dress from the renowned international brand Coco Chanel.
“Dress vulgarly and they will only see the dress, dress smartly and they will see the woman,” was the message that the presenter placed in the publication on both Instagram and Facebook.
And he added: “I’m delighted to show you this dress which is part of the new @Calanhn collection.”
In addition to her work as a presenter, Carolina Lanza also opened a clothing store some time ago, in which she presents herself as an entrepreneur.
It didn’t take long for her thousands of followers to interact with the beautiful presenter after the post, leaving hundreds of messages of praise for Carolina Lanza.
2023/03/1117:17H. / Writing websites
Honduras presenter
Caroline Lance
Photo shooting