Check out Fred Bruno’s look for the BBB Leader themed birthday party in São Paulo

1 of 9 Fred poses with his son Cris, known as Gudugo, at a birthday party in São Paulo — Photo: Felippe Leonel Fred poses with his son Cris, known as Gudugo, at a birthday party in São Paulo — Photo: Felippe Leonel

“Get ready!” 💃 Today at Fred’s birthday party there is a dance show by the BBB 23 brothers and sisters! Throughout the day, attendees of this edition prepared together to celebrate the 34th anniversary of the former BBB. We’re out of globoplay to follow every moment together, but in the meantime, let’s take a look at the looks!

👑 Starting with him, leader Fred Bruno!

2 of 9 Fred’s look for a birthday party — Photo: Felippe Leonel Fred’s look for a birthday party — Photo: Felippe Leonel 3 of 9 Leader’s crown and VIP bracelet (as in BBB) for Fred’s look for a birthday party — Photo: Felippe Leonel Leader Crown and VIP bracelet (same as BBB) for Fred’s birthday party look — Photo: Felippe Leonel

“I’ve always loved changing my look and the desire to get my hair colored was old so I thought the moment would be perfect for that as the theme of the party is totally inspired by my favorite color purple,” says she .

Choice of topic 🟣

“It’s the Leader’s Party that I couldn’t attend at the BBB as I was in the White Room. But this time the party will be my way, I choose every detail, I will be able to celebrate with my friends and many of them I have done within the program. Also, I love big parties so today is a great day to celebrate my birthday and the end of the BBB cycle.”

4 of 9 See details of Fred Bruno’s Leader Party outside of BBB 23 — Photo: Personal Archive See details of Fred Bruno’s Leader Party outside of BBB 23 — Photo: Personal Archive

📸 See the red carpet looks from the former BBBs for Fred’s party

5 of 9 Ricardo Alface, from BBB 23, wears a white and purple look to Fred’s party — Photo: Personal Archive Ricardo Alface, from BBB 23, wears a white and purple look to Fred’s party — Photo: Personal Archive 6 of 9 Cristian Vanelli shows the look for the BBB 23 Fred Party — Photo: Personal Archive Cristian Vanelli shows the BBB 23 Fred Party Look — Photo: Personal Archive 7 of 9 ExBBB Gustavo shows the look for the Fred Party — Photo: ExBBB Reproduction Gustavo shows the look for Fred’s party — Photo: Reproduction 8 of 9 Amanda from BBB 23 giving a pink look spoiler — Photo: Reproduction Amanda from BBB 23 giving a pink look spoiler — Photo: Reproduction 9 of 9 Bruna Griphao giving a look Fred’s Party Spoilers — Photo: Reproduction Bruna Griphao gives look spoilers for Fred’s Party — Photo: Reproduction

💅 Check out the preparations for BBB 23 Champion Amanda with Larissa

Amanda Meirelles and Larissa Santos meet at Fred’s birthday party

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