Chiara Ferragni, pathetic veil


It pains and dismays us to have to address the issue again Clear Ferragni. We wouldn't have wanted that. We probably write about it too, like people who wonder why, and wonder why we still do it.

Probably out of horror. To complain. For the dismay towards The cultural abyss into which this country has fallen. Due to the absolute ignorance (read: cowardice) of those who would be tasked with bringing to light the absolute nothingness of these characters, nothing more than flesh and misery, for the use of social media, and instead give them space with tearful, feigned sympathy to express once again the nothingness they represent.

All it takes is silence. Shut her up. Don't talk about it anymore. The only real weapon to get rid of this pathetic and obscene display of hypocrisy and faintheartedness Man is complete silence. And yet here we are, still stealing her tears and his dark face to feed to the drooling masses of forced voyeurism.

In a culturally poor country like ours, human misery becomes a source of profit. It is appreciated and pushed to the height of humiliation. Watch a millionaire stammer sentences that even middle school girls wouldn't say, especially since she's being “followed” by her (but who they'll follow later…). 30 million people, It's something that should cause stomach discomfort to anyone with a few grams of gray matter left.

A succession of smiles, grimaces, Studying verses at the table, a good dose of pietism, bawdy soap opera dramas, a few accessories worth thousands of euros and the dish is served. Everyone is watching, everyone is listening to the groans of people who are desperate deep down.

The voyeurs on the other side are even more desperate, but seeing that the beautiful and famous are sometimes affected by poverty gives them peace of mind. The carcass must be peeled back to the ground. The last shred of the rotten flesh of this story needs to be shredded for the camera. Because obviously people feed on it. “The horror!” Marlon Brando sighed. Horror.

In a world on the brink of total war, this country is concentrating its media power on the remnants of Ms. Ferragni's “private” life. We can therefore only urge you to do so Silence this matter. We sincerely hope that these are the last lines written about this porn show that no longer arouses anyone.

Knowing that this will not be the case, we can only resign ourselves to mediocrity and bad taste. One day we will pay the price for all this.

When you think about how reduced we are, it almost makes us hope for Putin…

Francesco Teodori, March 5, 2024 is also on WhatsApp. Just click here to subscribe to the channel and stay up to date (free).

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