Chocolate brags on networks that he got his driver’s license and social security in the USA

For those who said that Chocolate MC could be deported to Cuba, the king of delivery workers appeared on the networks and bragged about it Obtaining your driver’s license and social security In the United States.

Along with several photos, one of which was while driving; wrote: “Deported, right? Well, I’m sorry to inform you that I just got my driver’s license and social security.”

Capture Instagram / Chocolate MC

In case there was any doubt, in another snapshot he showed an image of one of the documents, showing his photo and some of the data.

Capture Instagram / Chocolate MC

His fans congratulated him on this important step and also shared this with him in the comments Now all he needs is a place to live..

Several of Chocolate MC’s arrests in the United States are due to this very fact Driving with a revoked, revoked or suspended license.

These days the Cuban reggaeton artist is enjoying the success of one of his songs, chosen by many Internet users to accompany their broadcasts on the networks.