Cindy Crawford, Richard Gere’s Ex Wife / Red Carpet Love Story Gone Wrong

Cindy Crawford’s Rise to Success

Cindy Crawford is an American model and actress. The success comes in the 80’s and 90’s and the brown mole on the face was then defined as a “beauty mark”. His family life is marked by pain for the loss of his brother Jeff who died of leukemia. After this event, the model was involved in many useful activities, especially related to childhood leukemia. It was accidentally discovered by a photographer and from that event she started working in the fashion world in New York. His fame reached such a high level that singers Prince and Gianni Togni included his name in their songs.

It was particularly successful in the world of cosmeticshas been working with the for 11 years Revlon and also to create your own perfume. As for the world of cinema, Cindy starred in the film Easy Prey but was unsuccessful. She was the first supermodel to pose nude for Playboy and falls in the category of the 50 most beautiful women in the world. Currently the model is married to Rande Gerber But her most important and popular love story in public was with actor Richard Gere.

Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere, an iconic love story

Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere were one of the most popular and iconic couples of the ’90s, for their beauty and their talents in their respective fields of work. The supermodel has today two children: Presley and Kaia, but neither was born out of love for the actor. The two indeed They were married from 1991 to 1995but they had no children. She was 17 years younger than him and that was perhaps one of the reasons for their breakup.

The same Cindy, in the book she wrote for her 50th birthday, Becoming, said: “I hadn’t the faintest idea how young I was, but I was. I was with Richard for six years, but it was like I had only been married for two years. It’s a friendly relationship now, but to me he’s Richard Gere again, like a stranger, because we don’t see each other often. I think part of the problem with our relationship was that we were never friends as equals. I was young and he was Richard Gere”. Before the two divorced and later became strangers, They made their red carpet debut as a couplein 1991. Their recordings went around the world, still remain cult and probably always will remain so.