Claudia Raia will appear in Terra e Paixão in the role of Luigi’s mother (Rainer Cadete). To prove that the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, Emengarda is just as cunning as her son, who pretends to be an Italian and a millionaire. “Emengarda is a bandit of the highest quality, a thief, indefensible,” Claudia Raia defined her first work on television after giving birth to Luca in February of this year, the result of her marriage to the actor Jarbas Homem de Melo.
Emengarda has been living on fraud since the end of her last marriage and, with no money in her account, sets out to look for her son in Nova Primavera. “I can’t defend her. She has come to shake up the soap opera. It’s a joy to record, I conquer all the centers,” the actress told Gshow
“It’s a character who reveals a lot of important things, so from a comedic perspective she has a dramatic function in the story,” she explained.
The actress is very happy about her return to the soap operas and said that the first days of recording were wonderful and full of reunions: “I was greeted with so much applause and accolades that I honestly don’t know if I even deserve it. “ But I left with a heart warm with love and saw my lifelong friends again, Glorinha [Gloria Pires] and Tony [Ramos]. My meeting with Rainer was a pleasure, absolute synergy.”
Because of work, Claudia wasn’t with her youngest Luca, who turned 8 months old last week. That’s why he missed his little one’s birthday and his first child’s day. “I do video calls all the time. (…) He will come in the next few days with his father, who can be seen in São Paulo, but he managed to spend a few days,” explained the actress.
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