COVID-19: She dresses up as a cleaning lady to see her dying mother in hospital

A woman dressed as a housekeeper and nurse to visit her dying mother at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020, many people had to let their hospitalized loved ones go without saying goodbye to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Alexandra Spencer-Jones, 38, didn’t do the same as she hatched a plan to visit her mother at a hospital in Kent, England.

“I couldn’t really take being apart,” she told the Liverpool Echo.

An actress by trade, she disguised herself as a hospital employee.

Despite all her talents, the 30-year-old was spotted by employees every time she tried.

“I started dressing up as a nurse, as a cleaning lady, to enter the hospital. Once I went to the service but did not enter. They caught up with me,” Alexandra said.

She was also able to see her mother again moments before her death, two months later.

“I used to sit in front of the hospital window, cut out paper hearts and stick them on the wall for her to see,” recalls the person who was very close to her mother. .