Creepy find in Australia: A snake hides behind a hanging painting

Australians who noticed one of her paintings hanging at an angle on the wall were surprised to find that it wasn’t just a gust of wind that caused the movement, but a snake hiding behind it.

They then called the Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers organization, which captures the reptiles that end up in homes, to release them.

In the video filmed by snake catcher Dan, the painting on the wall is tilted slightly forward. Then, as he gets closer, he spots the tapestry python hiding behind the frame.

“He was the one who tore down your painting,” Dan told the home’s owners.

He then removed the painting from the wall – with the snake still hanging – and unraveled it from the hanging wire before catching it.

This type of intervention seems to be commonplace in this corner of Australia, as the organization has pointed out that Dan had to rush to another intervention to transport a snake from a children’s reception centre.