Daniel Toko, Natália Deodato, Ricardo Villardo and Thiago Servo are in the risk zone .com

You blinked and there’s a new danger zone in the air The great achievement! Daniel Toko, Natália Deodato, Ricardo Villardo and Thiago Servo ended up in the hot seat in a vote this Friday (14), and two of them say goodbye this Saturday (15).

The first vacancy for the zone came from the nomination of owners Natália and Sandra Melquiades, who chose to vote for Servo. After that, it was Mansão’s turn to choose between the Donas: Nati received four votes, Sandra two, and ended up finishing second in the formation.

In the personal vote, between slaps, kisses and barbs, the conquisteiros voted among themselves and Alexandre Suita and Ricardo Villardo ended up tied, with three votes each. In the decisive point, Sandra had the deciding factor, since she was the less chosen Dona, and decided on Ricardo.

The fourth vacancy as decided by the public in a poll on R7.com, the leastelected owner, Sandra Melquiades, could nominate one more person. So the decision was made to send Toko straight to the hot seat.

With the formation of the new Danger Zone, the contestants have taken their defensive measures and now depend on your vote to stay in the game.

Vote for R7.com Who do you want to carry on in reality!

The great achievement airs Monday through Saturday at 10:45 p.m.; and Sundays from 11 p.m record TV. sign that PlayPlus and have access to the 24hour broadcast and additional content of the reality show. Discover too conquest networkthe show’s fan base.

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