As of this morning, a very large percentage of the 135,000 permit holders will be hot on the trail of the man often referred to as the “forest spirit.”
• Also read: ammunition for rifles
Today I propose a little exercise to test your knowledge of these magnificent deer-like creatures. For each question, try to find the correct answer among the given possibilities.
Question 1
The average overall length of a white-tailed deer is…
a) 130 to 180 cm
B) 140 to 190 cm
C) 150 to 205 cm
D) 160 to 215 cm
question 2
Its average height at the shoulder varies from…
a) 60 to 90 cm
B) 75 to 100 cm
C) 90 to 120 cm
D) 105 to 135 cm
question 3
The means of communication most commonly used by these beasts is…
A) Wave your ears quickly
B) Raise the tail like a white flag
C) hitting the ground with the hoof
D) clear away
Question #4
In Belle Province, the Nemroden have caught about the same number of stags per year for the last 5 autumns. What was that number in 2021?
A) 26,000
B) 36,000
c) 46,000
D) 56,000
Issue #5
Which of the following rifle calibers using single bullet or shotgun shells with a diameter of 7.6mm, either 1 Bock, SG, .30 or larger, is acceptable?
a) 20
b) 28
c) .410
D) none of them
Issue #6
What is the smallest caliber a nem rod can hunt deer with?
A) .223
B) .243
C) 6.5 Creedmoor
D) 6.8 West
Question #7
In their opinion, smartphones connected to a camera surveillance system (including a drone) operating in the hunting area are __________ authorized if the hunter is present in that area, looking for game and in possession of a weapon.
A) are
b) not
C) Only allowed in the morning
D) only admitted in the afternoon
Question #8
The regular license and the additional license each allow you to harvest a deer elsewhere than in Anticosti. Your first stag must be from an area other than 20. Once your first deer has been caught, your second must be from a different area than where you hunted, with the exception of Anticosti Island. However, there are three areas where you can harvest your two deer within the same area section. Which of these options is not allowed?
A) 5 vests
B) is 8
C) 8 South
D) 10
Question #9
Male plume growth begins in _______ and continues through August.
a march
B) April
C) May
D) June
Question #10
It is wrong to think that the number of branches in the quill indicates the age of the animal. What is the best indicator?
A) the growth and wear of the teeth
B) Hoof wear
C) tail length
D) the overall size of the reproductive tract
Question #11
The antlers of the adult male deer consist of a central trunk known as…
a horn
B) stave
C) Corns
D) staff
Question #12
It is estimated that one in _______ females may also bear a small single antler.
a) 300
b) 500
c) 1000
D) 2,800
Question #13
The male, which grows longer than the female, reaches his maximum mass later, at _______ years, compared to three or four years for the female.
A) 4 or 5
b) 6
c) 7
D) 8 years and older
Question #14
The range of the roe deer extends south to…
A) in New York
B) in Kentucky
C) Florida
D) in South America
Question #15
Grouping in the yards in winter allows the deer to conserve energy by reducing their movements and ensuring regulation of their internal body temperature. This natural mechanism is called…
A) thermoregulation
B) Hibernation
C) hibernation
D) Cryoregulation
Question #16
Although winter food intake is lower than other seasons, this ruminant white-tailed deer consumes the equivalent of ________ its body mass on a daily basis.
A) 1.5%
b) 3%
c) 5%
D) 6.25%
Issue #17
If the wind is light or moderate, where is it less desirable to take advantage of it?
A) a current near a watercourse
B) a bet
C) a bog
D) a river bank
Question #18
The playground for mature men grows from 500 m² in summer to 1.5 km² in October. During the time of love he goes to…
a) 3 km²
b) 5 km²
c) 10 km²
D) 15 km²
Question #19
The life expectancy of this deer is…
A) 6 to 8 years old
B) 8 to 10 years
C) 12 years old
D) 13 years and older
Question #20
The deer can run up to ________ km/h.
Question #21
In Minnesota, the largest specimen of all time was foiled. How much did it weigh in kg?In Minnesota, the largest specimen ever was foiled. How many kg did he weigh?
Question #22
How high can a deer jump in _______ meters without momentum?
A) 1.5
b) 2.1
c) 2.75
D) more than 3
Question #23
When running, the deer can jump ________ meters.
Question #24
How long will the unbred stay in heat?
By 18 clock
B) 48 hours
C) 72 hours
D) 1 week
Question #25
The deer is a _________ swimmer.
a) mediocre
b) medium
C) great
D) He only swims when being followed
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