Deolane and Iran clashed after the fire test in “A Fazenda 2022” (RecordTV).
The two pawns helped Petal win the lantern in tonight’s Crucible, but Deolane accused the actor of trying to harm the pawn by being in the game in rival groups. Iran didn’t like the accusation and the two fell out.
Back at the house, Deolane told Petala, “If he goes insane, then he knows how to take the test,” the attorney said.
“Call me next time you see what I’m going to do,” the actor said. Deolane said: “Cheeky, disloyal. Petala called you, honey, it wasn’t me.” Iran drew André’s attention: “Look, André, so you can see what kind of people you hang out with.” Deolane didn’t like it: “The kind of people who You are: disloyal! But God is very fair,” she said.
“Slutty, shameless,” the actor cursed. “I’m not talking to you, no!” Iran said, adding: “Anyone from the ATeam who needs it, call me and then you’ll see what infidelity is, so you can shut up. ” Deolane said, “More than you? Unfaithful, little crook”, and Iran replied: “Bastard!” He also said to the members of group A: “André, Strawberry, you are sorry, don’t tell me. Because I wasn’t disloyal, like this woman says. Because if it was me, I really could have had a soft body effect and she wouldn’t win”.
Iran didn’t like that at all: “Call me disloyal? Go and fuck yourself! is god fair I couldn’t have done it,” he said. Deolane said he had prejudices about calling her a maloqueira. “It’s always a prejudice against the community. Then she bullies herself,” she said. “What, bully what? You can see yourself! You idiot, woman, villain. Go, villain!
Confusion also turned to Deborah and Strawberry Shortcake in last week’s race. Deborah went to defend Iran, but Deolane said Strawberry stayed loyal to Deborah in the race, and Iran didn’t go to Pétala.
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7. Winner: Deborah
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6th Winner: Guys Cardoso
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5th winner: André Marinho
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4th Winner: Pele Millows
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3rd Winner: Iran Malfitano
The Farm 2022: Iran Malfitano wins fire test
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2nd Winner: Deolane
Fazenda 2022: Deolane Bezarra wins race
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1st Winner: Iran Malfinato
The Farm 2022: Iran Malfitano is the first winner of the fire test
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