[Alerta de gatilho: o texto a seguir pode conter informações sensíveis a vítimas de violência doméstica]
Andrade (Ângelo Antônio) will finally go to jail in Terra e Paixão, but not because of a complaint from Lucinda (Débora Falabella). The wife will still regret handing her husband over to the police, even though he keeps attacking her. This time, Marino (Leandro Lima) will see the villain hitting his own wife. The delegate will arrest him in the act on Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera.
But the perpetrator should not remain behind bars for too long. Marino will explain that he can only hold him for one night as there is no trial against the man. Lucinda will appreciate the help and be content not having to live with him drunk.
The whole argument may have started precisely because Anely’s sister (Tatá Werneck) wanted to take care of her husband. She will realize the dealer has had too much to drink and will confront him in scenes scheduled to air this Saturday (15). Andrade doesn’t want to be cornered, though. “Now you hire a guard who knows what I’m doing or not doing?” he teases.
The two will begin to discuss various other topics. At some point, the managing director of the cooperative vents about the state of the family business: “That’s why the inn doesn’t make a profit. I have to pay money back from mine every month.”
Andrade will feel offended. Enraged, he hits Cristian’s mother (Felipe Melquiades). She starts screaming as Marino enters the inn. The delegate runs to the couple’s room and is confronted with the scene of defiance. “Coward! Do you have the courage to hit a woman?” the policeman yelled.
Ângelo Antônio’s character doesn’t even shake. “Was it you who called him? Was it? Who is he? Your lover?” the villain countered and turned to the woman. He will then look at the police officer and tell him to go away. “I go. But I’ll take you to the police station,” the handsome man warns.
Marino will explain that Lucinda doesn’t need to report anything since the police chief saw everything. “He’ll be soaked for the rest of the night…until he’s drunk,” he will explain to the distraught woman.
Terra e Paixão was written by Walcyr Carrasco and takes place in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul. The storyline will air until January next year, when it is scheduled to be replaced by the remake of Renascer (1993).
Victims of aggression can report cases to the Women’s Help Center at number 180, where they will receive reception and information on protocols. If you want to report a case involving someone else, the 100 number is available 24 hours a day.
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