Eduardo Costa must compensate Fernanda Lima

10/17/2023 8:49 p.m., updated 10/17/2023 9:23 p.m

The judge of the 24th Civil Court of the capital Rio ordered Eduardo Costa to pay R$70,000 in compensation to Fernanda Lima for moral damage after he called her an “idiot” on social media. The information was given by Ancelmo Góis in the newspaper O Globo.

It all happened in 2018, after an episode of the show Amor & Sexo hosted by Fernanda, which was about women’s fight against machismo, racism and homophobia. The singer, who has more than 6 million followers on Instagram, published a post accusing the attraction of being “leftwing, targeting criminals and stoners and inciting the Brazilian people to sabotage” and directly insulted her.

In the decision, Judge Eric Scapim Cunha Brandão emphasized that the crimes incited hate speech and violence against Rodrigo Hilbert’s wife. “The defendant, without adopting a friendly attitude, called the author an ‘idiot’, since both parties are public and notorious figures and any derogatory comment on a prominent social media page would inevitably have farreaching consequences with thousands of shares and shares following comments,” the judge said.

1/10Eduardo Costa ▲Little foot of the couple’s daughter ▲He often causes controversy on the Internet ▲In addition to her, Fernanda Lima was also targeted by Piovani ▲Eduardo Costa ▲Fernanda Lima ▲Eduardo Costa ▲12345678910

And he continued: “Although such a note may not in itself constitute an insult to honor, the context in which the expression was inserted indicates the possibility of inciting violent speech to the detriment of the author, especially by linking the post to political contexts is associated.” had nothing to do with it. connection with the author’s speech”.

The matter had repercussions on the Internet, and some Internet users criticized the compatriot, while others thought that the compensation could be higher: “I think it was still little, it could have been more”, “If it had been a woman, who would have talked about it.” man, the values ​​would certainly be different!” and “Not much value. His guy, it must be hurting his wallet. That’s the only way to understand it.”