"Encrypted messages": They appear after the live broadcast at the GF | She didn’t want to but got caught Belligea.it

Alfonso Signorini Alfonso Signorini (screenshot from Mediaset TV) – belligea.it

Big Brother, contestants caught in the act: No misunderstanding, they’ve seen everything.

I am Past different days since the Cinecittà house opened its doors to welcome the participants of the edition 2023 of Big Brother, and the first “altars” are revealed.

After Game in which participants had to indicate who it was “the most…” from that Home, many dynamics Social I am in it change: I am Antipathies and prejudices emerged And Resentment previously maintained underground.

Everything was commented on last Thursday’s episode, 21st September, in which conflicts were brought even more to the fore, unleash all the potential who is there Game on In below.

Some are more results than others not very nice to the participants and the audience at home, and as always, the televoting was merciless. Not only: this year The Regulate They really seem to be rigid: There Zero tolerance seems to have it already influenced At someone…

Messages from the screen: The participant has been fully (re)admitted

One of difficulty to overcome GF it’s right there distance about home and family or habits: For this reason, there are often moments of melancholy among the participants. When You leave your own zone Comfort And difficult to walk go something Thoughts which leads us to this introduce how to would carry out There Day himself we were To our house.

Probably is accurate The The Thought Who brought one of these? Competitors many things to do Gestures with which he seems to want communicate with other side of Screen. Let’s talk about Beatrice Luzzi the famous actress she is best known for Live, whose Behave Was Perhaps one of the most commented In home.

Beatrice LuzziBeatrice Luzzi (screenshot from Mediaset TV) – belligea.it

Luzzi speaks in LIS (Italian Sign Language)

Beatrice Luzzi Was taken while, open eyes Camera, Yes expressed In the Language of Sign, or language LIS. Many User, who are assumed to know this LIS, They have commented There Clip on the Network, explain that the actress he tried communicate with your own Family, to explain to them, among other things no worries.

Others said it was just that “coded messages”, perhaps without knowing that Luzzi knew sign language, thinking it was just a code agreed upon with his loved ones. The gesture of Luzzi it is undoubtedly a lot Sweet, albeit from others People Was misunderstood.

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