Energy crisis, with the efficiency of buildings, Italy can almost halve consumption and imports of gas from Russia | I study

L’Italy can reduce gas consumption by approx 5.4 billion cubic meters 12 billion cubic meters or 41% of imports by 2025 and 2030 Russia. This through the efficiency of building and theelectrification of consumption for warm up domestic. That’s according to the new study elements edited for legambience and Kyoto Club analyzing the benefits that the country could reap if 3% of the building stock were renovated each year, as envisaged in the new European strategy renovation waveThis is based on an average performance of the final thermal energy consumption of 136 to around 50 kilowatt hours per m2 per year and replaces the warm up Household gas with heat pumps. According to estimates, in three years there would be a saving in greenhouse gas emissions of 22 million tons of CO2 and one savings on household bills. On the other hand, from the use of fossil fuels in the heating and cooling sector, it is responsible for 12% of the total CO2 equivalent emissions in the European Union, of which 28% of its annual energy consumption comes from these sources. “Reducing gas consumption in our country is explained in report it would bring an additional benefit associated with the reduction of accidents associated with its consumption every year”. In 2019 alone, 270 killed 35 people.

The burden of gas consumption in households In Italy, civil consumption applies 32 billion cubic meters every year, 43% of national and “contribute significantly to urban pollution and overheating planet“. On our peninsula there are 17.5 million (out of about 26 million) households that use gas boilers for heating. Legambiente e Kyoto Club They call for a more effective design of the incentive policy renovations Construction seen that acc Aeneasthe reduction in 2020 was only 0.3 billion cubic meters of gas against 27 billion euros deductions VAT. “The current energy crisis he explains Edoardo ZachiniVice President of Legambiente highlighted the fragility of an energy system that is largely energy based imports from fossil sources and in particular from gas, which continues to be extracted “. Italy is the only country in the world that is giving away boiler methane that emit billions of euros every year.

The suggestions “All European countries and cities are changing course adds Zanchini and Italy too has a keen interest in choosing this path, eliminating the reimbursement of 110% of expenses for now boiler Gas because the goal is to get rid of fossils and replace those implants with pumps from warmthas he has just decided France. And in the new houses that already meet Nzeb standards, ban the use of gas as early as next year. Several suggestions from the associations: in addition to the attack Subsidies ecological harmful, including the reform of the ecobonus. In practice, it is asked to “link to incentives technologies towards a system that rewards integrated interventions that reduce the energy needs of buildings (insulation, replacement of systems and networks, Inhouse production from renewable sources, ed). But for clubs it is necessary to take care of that progressive elimination of VAT rebates and excise duties on gas “without the ongoing decarbonization of the warm up of buildings with the removal of incentives for the installation of gas boilers “. With concrete steps: By 2023 the exclusion out super bonus 110%, by 2026 the exclusion from the 50% deduction, by 2024 the ban installation in the new building interventions and 2027 in the renovations of the all buildingprecisely “in view of the electrification and diffusion of heat pumps integrated with renewable sources”.

what are you doing abroad And the case of Sardinia In the study of elements some examples of policy adopted Abroad from which our country could draw inspiration. It’s offIrelandwhere in February 2020 a package to support the improvement of the energy classes of buildings with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of 500,000 apartments with at least energy class B2. the economic support there is an incentive of up to 50% of the expenses incurred to carry out the payment when paying into the capital account interventions and full coverage is provided for those with greater difficulty. Besides the interventions with greater effect in the reduction of energy consumption can potentially access a attraction even up to 80% of the costs. The plan envisages spending 8 billion euros by 2030 Franceon the other hand, after the energy crisis caused by the position geopolitics, has decided to increase the incentive to support the installation of heat pumps to 9,000 euros. in the Belgiumthe climate plan of the Flanders region aims to carry out the energetic requalification building Bought (at least up to class D), which must be carried out within 5 years of purchase. Also for new buildings it will be forbidden to have a warm up Gas (if not in hybrid configuration with heat pump) and by 2026 die link to the gas network. This plan is supported by Tax relief and subsidies for heat pumps and hybrid systems. In Italy it is Sardinia It is the only Italian region not yet affected by methanation National Network. “This situation must be used the associations explain as an opportunity to experience the effects of electrification policy. there Sardinia can aim to become the first green island of the Mediterranean Sea“.