Exclusive interview with Reid Hoffman, Renzi: "Artificial intelligence is changing the world and we reformists are building tomorrow, we are not just waiting for it to arrive" The reformist

“Today is a day when our newspaper publishes An interview that is really close to my heart and I allow myself to propose this to you with a certain determination.” Director Matteo Renzi begins with a video message. This is the interview with Reid Hoffman by Linda Campani Director of the Stanford University Program in Italy.

A series of questions we talk about Artificial Intelligence with one of the Silicon Valley gurus and co-founder of LinkedIn. In fact, many initiatives bear his signature.” Hoffman, who is currently in Italy, will meet Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and key figures not only from the political world.”

An interview that is particularly close to director Renzi’s heart because of the topics it covers, because it now seems clear that the introduction of artificial intelligence “will soon actually change the world”. it is already changing the way companies organize themselvesin redesigning the public apparatus in the countries on the front lines.”

Not only. The future use of AI will also bring a major revolution in the world of education. An innovative tool that “must, however, find a regulation that does not yet exist today and that will have to be painstakingly created in the coming years” – continued Renzi – “Because artificial intelligence is now a fact by which we inevitably have to be measured and that will result in the loss of a number of jobs while also creating new ones in other sectors.”

An interesting topic that newspapers should focus onThis is exactly why Il Riformista has this exclusive interview with Reid Hoffman on its site. “If you want to read it, I’m happy,” says Renzi, “I think so an opportunity to understand how we want to shape the future that awaits us and not just wait for it, because ultimately the real task of a reformist is precisely this: to build tomorrow and not just wait for it to come.”

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